Our English Language Programme to help learners integrate into the local community

KAP ESOL was established in 2017 and now runs 5 days per week and includes:

  • Pre-entry English lessons for resettled refugees
  • English Language Club – with an emphasis on learning skills for integration into UK society
  • Bespoke English lessons for European Migrants
  • Online Literacy and Conversation
  • 1-2-1 English tutoring

Our English Language Programme is designed to help learners to integrate better into the local community by developing their language skills.  We provide a positive and encouraging learning environment.

Learners are taught by Level 5 qualified and ESOL tutors with specialist knowledge of the issues refugees and migrants face.

We also offer an on-site creche for the young children of our learners.  This enables parents to concentrate on their learning without the distraction of managing young children. Our creche team leader has many years of experience of successfully running childcare and children’s activities with disadvantaged families in Sudan, Lebanon, Finland and the UK.


Emphasis on Integration

Lessons are planned to help learners to live independently by developing functional language skills for real-life situations like; accessing transport, shopping, healthcare and customer services. Our teaching programme incorporates topics related to integrating into UK society such as:

  • making appointments,
  • going shopping,
  • using public transport and
  • accessing healthcare.


1-2-1 Learning

At times some learners cannot regularly attend classes because of poor health, learning difficulties or caring responsibilities.  We provide these learners with access to 1-2-1 learning so that they can continue to learn English as a tool for independence and integration.


Blended Learning

We offer online teaching as well as classroom lessons.  We regularly review this mix of learning and aim to provide the best combination of learning possible.


One participant said:

“Finding a job made me feel happy because I want to depend on myself for income and to be a good example for my children as they are growing up.  Working rather than relying on state aid gives me and my family more stability and is helping me to feel more integrated and hopeful for a better life.”

What the team say...

It's been a privilege to see many of our clients with no recourse to public funds go from literally having nothing to be in secure housing with an income, a hope and a future.

Outreach Team

The thing I love most about working for KAP is the team that I am in and how everyone looks out for each other, I love that we can pray together as a team when we feel like we have exhausted all visible options and we then see answers.

I have worked closely with one resident who has really struggled with both his physical and mental health since the first day I met him but has recently been prescribed the correct medication finally. He said he  'felt the most hope he had felt in over a year about his future' and was making jokes which he hadn't done before and looked like a new man!

Accommodation Team

Many of those I and my team work with have been through serious trauma both in their home countries and in the UK. Being able to bring hope to them by providing practical and emotional support is a huge privilege. 

Welcoming a new family from Syria has been wonderful. As their support worker I went to meet them at the airport. Journeying with them as they adjust to life in the UK has been an absolute joy.

Refugee and Migrant Services Team

It is such an amazing thing to be part of this team and make a real difference in people's lives.  It is really rewarding when we support vulnerable clients and see their difficult situation change to the better.

Refugee and Migrant Services Team

Home for Tonight, Hope for Tomorrow

Bedford Winter Night Shelter
We're opening our doors from 2nd December for 100 days. 

We need YOUR help. 

This year the Winter Night Shelter isn’t just a home for tonight, it’s hope for tomorrow.

Home for tonight, hope for tomorrow