Who we are

About us
Who we are

Principal activity

King’s Arms Project was started over 30 years ago, as a response to seeing people sleeping rough on the streets of Bedford. Founded on the Biblical mandate for social justice, we have grown into a charity which works with the local community and National Government. We provide professional advice, innovative solutions and person centered care to those at risk of homelessness and social isolation.

Our Vision

Every person thriving in a place they call home, living a fulfilling life in community

Our Mission

To tackle homelessness, displacement and isolation by

  • Providing opportunity to thrive and have a home.
  • Connecting people into meaningful communities.
  • Demonstrating the love of God.
  • Advocating for Justice.


Group work

Our Values


We believe there is hope for everyone, always.


We all thrive when we are connected in community.

God is Good

We trust in God and His goodness for everything we do.

Learning & Excellence

By seeking to learn, listen and grow we are better able to achieve excellence in all that we do

Strategic Objectives

To Deliver Excellence

  • Through viable and diverse housing
  • Through holistic training and empowerment programmes
  • Through an accessible and appropriate operational space(s)
  • Through meaningful involvement of experts by experience to help design and deliver services

To value our people

  • By developing a growth mindset
  • By strengthening central office services
  • By promoting wellbeing
  • By establishing a positive leadership culture where ownership, accountability and involvement in decision making is promoted.

To have healthy, robust finances

  • By ensuring resilience and viability underpin the financial decisions made
  • By identifing ways to grow, develop and sustain
  • By being transparent and accountable
  • By building and maintaining the level of free reserves

To have a positive impact on our world

  • By establishing a reputation for strategic thinking and effective influencing of policy at local and national level
  • By integration of local services and support for vulnerable people
  • By being involved in evidence based social innovation
  • By promoting environment sustainable practices

Foundations of Faith


We believe the Bible is the reliable, inspired Word of God. It teaches about Jesus, builds faith and is a blueprint to living the life God has for us.


We believe everyone is created in the image of God and has equal dignity and worth regardless of ethnicity, religion, culture, class, gender, sexuality, disability or age.

The Gospel

We believe that we are all far from God because of the selfishness in the world and our inability to fix our own lives. When Jesus died on the cross and rose again 3 days later he made a way for us to be in relationship with God through saying sorry for our actions and placing our faith in Him.

Changed Lives

We believe that every believer is on their own journey of becoming more like Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit. The gospel changes us from the inside out, freeing us from ways of thinking and acting which are destructive and enabling us to bear the fruits of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We believe that long-term life change is helped by praying on our own and with others, receiving biblical teaching and worshipping.


We believe that as the family of God we are called to love and care for all who come to us and that together we are stronger to do this than alone. The gospel changes our hearts and identities and so creates a new kind of community based on unity around Jesus. We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are active among the community of believers and are to be used to build each other up.

Mercy and Justice

We believe that God shows us it is the right and humane thing to show mercy by meeting people’s basic needs and justice by advocating for people with less social power. We believe it is important to engage positively in our society in order to make it a good place for all people to live.

Return of Jesus

We believe that one day Jesus will return again to Earth in human form to fulfill the purposes of God. We believe he will judge the living and dead , bringing eternal life to those who know him and eternal separation to those who don’t. We believe in a New Heaven and a New Earth where God will establish his rule forever.

Home for Tonight, Hope for Tomorrow

Bedford Winter Night Shelter
We're opening our doors from 2nd December for 100 days. 

We need YOUR help. 

This year the Winter Night Shelter isn’t just a home for tonight, it’s hope for tomorrow.

Home for tonight, hope for tomorrow