
Who we are
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Our policies are rooted in the belief that there should be fairness for all, protection for vulnerable groups, and care for our planet.

View our policies below:

Equality and diversity

King’s Arms Project is founded on the biblical values of justice, speaking out for the oppressed and ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and with dignity. We want everyone who applies to work with us, those who do work with us and those whom we serve to always feel welcome, that they were treated well and that they had the same opportunities to progress as the next person. We know that inequalities in society make this harder for some people. Injustice exists across society at large, which includes the voluntary sector. In spite of the sector seeking to have a positive impact on society, it does not always live up to these ethical principles. By removing barriers that exclude people, our organisations are more effective at changing our communities for the better. We all benefit from a more just, equitable and inclusive society.

As such we are committed to ensuring that as an employer and service provider we treat people without prejudice or discrimination. We want to ensure everyone has the same opportunities to succeed and thrive. However, inequalities in society make this harder for some people. To this end we prefer to talk about equity as opposed to equality. This is because we believe we need to treat people in ways that make sure they are not unfairly prevented from accessing resources and opportunities nor that others have an unfair advantage. Simply providing the same equal opportunities to everyone is not an effective way to create equality of outcomes. Sometimes we need to go over and above to ensure people have what they need for fair access. This is about removing inequalities to make sure everyone has the chance to realise their ambitions.  It requires a proactive approach to make reasonable adjustments that address the visible and invisible barriers people face. 

We seek to do this in a number of ways;

  • Diversity means having differences within an organisation or setting. Diversity recognises we are all different in many ways. People with differing identities, backgrounds and experiences should all have equitable access to resources and decision-making. We aim for our staff team to be reflective of the society we live in and the communities we serve. We employ people from a number of different nationalities, backgrounds and expressions of faith. We also have people on our team who have lived experience of homelessess and immigration.
  • It is not only about creating a diverse environment but also about ensuring a culture exists where individuals can be their full selves. Inclusion means being proactive to make sure people of different backgrounds, experiences and identities feel welcomed, respected and fully able to participate. We aim to do this by educating ourselves about different cultures, ensuring our language and practises are inclusive and providing training to give people the skills they need to access different areas of employment
  • Our Policies and Procedures have been written to ensure that we appropriately protect people’s privacy, make provision for those in different stages of life e.g parents or carers and help us to ensure that we create access for those with disabilities. Our current office suite and our training premises do not have wheelchair access and we are actively seeking to rectify this. Remote working has broadened access to our team and services and we have embraced this.
  • We have training sessions for staff on how to be proactive in creating opportunities for all and ensuring our daily practises do not contravene our own policies on being inclusive.


As an employer we act in accordance with The Equality Act 2010 which requires that no-one is discriminated against on the basis of; Age, Sex, Race, Disability, Pregnancy, Marital status, Sexual orientation, Gender reassignment or Religious background. However, given that our organisation is firmly rooted in the Christain faith we reserve the right to attach an Occupational Requirement that some roles require the applicant to confirm a commitment to the Christian faith. This is regularly under review and we consult with an independant Human Resources Company to ensure we never apply this unfairly or unreasonably.

Climate and sustainability

Being mindful of climate change is not just an issue of trying to do the right thing to look after our planet. On a national and local level those people most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change are the poorer people in society as well as those in minority groups such as children, older people and those with disabilities or chronic diseases. Low income countries have far less capability to adapt to climate change than high income countries yet it is the high income countries that are causing many of the problems. In other words this is an issue of justice. This makes it all the more important we take steps personally but also as employers and organisations to address the catastrophic effects of climate change.

At King’s Arms Project we are on this journey by addressing two main areas; our working practices and our buildings.

Working Practices

Some of the working practices we are seeking are adopt include:

  • Encouraging and making provision for cycling to work
  • Endeavouring to reduce the amount of plastic materials we use in the office and reuse or recycle where possible
  • Use space efficiently to reduce heating and cooling
  • Reduce travel where possible
  • Make information available for staff to access green energy through Happibenefits



Across our properties and accommodation services we are:

  • Working on maintenance to reduce drafts, improve insulation and protect against damp
  • Seeking to use green electricity where possible
  • Educate tenants about energy efficiency in the home
  • Use household supplies that are eco-friendly from local businesses



King’s Arms Project is committed to the safeguarding of children and adults with care and support needs and ensuring their well-being.

  • We recognise that we have a responsibility to help prevent the physical, sexual, psychological, financial and discriminatory abuse and neglect of children and adults at risk of harm and abuse and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.
  • We recognise the personal dignity and rights of children and adults and will ensure all our policies and procedures reflect this.
  • We believe all adults should enjoy and have access to every aspect of the life of the Charity.
  • We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with children and adults.
  • We believe every child should be valued, safe and happy. We want to make sure that children we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are experiencing significant harm.


We are committed to:

  • Following statutory guidelines in relation to safeguarding children and adults and will ensure that as a Charity all staff and volunteers will work within the agreed procedure of our Safeguarding Policy.
  • Implementing the requirements of all relevant legislation in regard to safeguarding and take this seriously.
  • Supporting, resourcing and training all staff and volunteers who undertake this work.
  • Ensuring that we are keeping up to date with national and local developments relating to safeguarding.
  • Ensuring that all staff and volunteers abide by the Safeguarding Policy and guidelines established by the Charity.
  • Supporting all in the community of the Charity affected by any type of abuse.


We recognise:

  • Children’s Social Services has the responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a child.
  • Adult Social Care has the responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about an adult with care and support needs.
  • Where an allegation suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed then the Police should be contacted as a matter of urgency.
  • That Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Work Opportunities

Thinking about a job change? Want to be part of a supportive and inspiring team? We have a number of vacancies available...

Bedford winter night shelter